Nah Nigga, YOU’RE Corny
Although Russell Wilson is a Super Bowl champion and a future Hall of Fame quarterback with an immaculate record of philanthropy, and Ciara is a multi-platinum singer, author and entrepreneur, there’s nothing really unique about them. And I say that not as a diss, but rather to state that there is nothing special about them that should make them the fuckboy-targets they currently are.
There’s more than a handful of rich athletes who are dating, engaged, or married to famous entertainers – like Tom Brady. There’s a lot of world class athletes who have rich and/or famous baby mama’s or baby father’s – like Tom Brady. And there’s more than a handful of athletes who have the swag of Milhouse’s dad who get to wake up next to one of the most beautiful women on Earth – like Tom Brady. Yet, Tom Brady does not trigger frowsy-niggas like Russell Wilson seems to. And while folks write countless think pieces and let off Twitter threads about Black men’s mangled view of modern fatherhood and a whole bunch of other shit, a lot of folks seem to miss a very simple truth about why Russell Wilson gets the hate he does: he stole something from musty niggas.
For the endlessly frowsy, identifying with Future, Ciara’s ex-fiance and the father of her son Future, is very easy. Although he is as wildly talented in his profession as Russell is his own and, as Nikki Minaj recently said, his public image is far from the man Nayvadius DeMun Wilburn actually is, there’s about Future that frowsy niggas have an easier time relating to. While Russell has had all his children with one woman after they got married, Future has at least seven children from seven different women. While Russell (from what we know) strict adheres to fidelity to his wife, Future is for the streets even when he’s engaged. While Russell puts a premium on comporting himself with class and devoting himself to faith and family, Future swaggers through the world setting cultural trends. Russell constantly sounds like Danny Glover’s “white voice” in Sorry To Bother You, Future’s unmistakable rasp always sounds like he’s about to start performing March Madness. For many a musty-nigga, Russell feels like what their parents wanted them to be, while Future feels like what they want themselves to be. And other than being supremely talented and rich like Future, a lot of frowsy niggas lives do resemble his.
And yet, despite all of their fuckery, the one thing musty niggas love and want is to be accepted and cherished by a “good girl” who is immeasurably out of their league. Having grown up around these niggas my entire life, I cannot stress how much these dudes cherish finding a woman who is willing to look past their fuckshit to hold them up. When I was younger, I would talk with these niggas and their life plan was literally to engage in fuckery until [insert age here], and then settle down with a “Good Girl“.
This is a woman who is beautiful, talented, successful, and most-importantly, has a low-body count. She’s the type of girl that picks a nigga up from his momma’s house and let’s him drop her off at work so he can ride around in her car all day. She’s the type who has good credit and will let him use her cards to pay down studio time for their mixtape or to buy a PS5. But, critically, she’s the type to never stress him about his shortcomings or the fucked-up situations he finds himself in.
Got multiple children with multiple baby momma’s? Don’t worry, Good Girl got you.
You in and out of court because of dumb-ass decisions? Don’t worry, Good Girl got you.
Don’t have any advanced degrees or really any formal education? Don’t worry, Good Girl got you.
In the mind of many musty niggas, Ciara was the perfect representation of the Good Girl when she began dating Future. Ciara is beautiful, sexy, classy, successful and (as far as many of us knew) had a low body count and no babies prior to dating Future. Their relationship collectively surprised many of us because it felt like a woman of her stature could have found a, to put it nicely, better fit. What a lot of folks seem to forget about today is how the musty niggas reacted when news broke of their relationship, her pregnancy and then their engagement. They were HYPE. The Good Girl dream was still safely in tact for these dudes.
Then it was revealed that Ciara ended their engagement because Future cheated on her. And just as niggas got ready to quote Verse 1, chapter 3 of the Eric Benet version of the Fucknigga Testament (thine female shalt honor thy cheating man as long as he doth protest “I was only fucking them chicks, but I make love to you”), here comes Russell-fucking-Wilson with his dad-shoes, sensible pants and customer service voice whispering in Ciara’s ear “you deserve better” like Drake does to a stripper during a lap dance. And then, worst of all, he had the fucking audacity to actually deliver better.
While I honestly have no idea about what their relationship looks like behind closed doors, from what we, the public, are able to observe, Russell loves her out loud in a way that she, and many other women, have always hoped to be loved by a man. And in that way, what Russell represents is the deterioration of a long held belief by many-a-musty-nigga: that they can do their fuckery, avoid any form of accountability and fall ass-backwards into a Good Girl whenever they want. Russell Wilson didn’t just steal one individual woman from one individual rapper, he stole the piece of mind that fuckboys had about their girls.
Around the world, at any specific minute of the day, some fuck nigga somewhere is on the phone convincing a well-to-do woman that he is the best option for her. And it was a dependable lie that allowed a lot of fuckboys to thrive for quite some time. But now, the “Ciara prayer” is in our lexicon and women looking down
So many dudes feel threatened by him is because he presents the antithesis of a frowsy dude for women who habitually underestimate their options. Russell Wilson ain’t corny. He’s just a grown-ass man who honours his wife and loves his children. He devotes himself to his faith and his charity work. He provides for his family and he works hard everyday. That shit isn’t corny – that shit is being an adult. And if you’re a grown adult man and you can’t see that, it’s not Russell Wilson that’s corny, nigga it’s YOU.
This Is Your Conscience